Being prepared for the “unlock” phase in auto

May 8, 2020

We met with Natacha Bouaziz our Group Head of Auto discuss what we’ve seen from the first days of unlock and how we can be prepared for a return to the road. 

Many countries are now making their first steps towards the unlock over the coming weeks and we have first-hand experience of the impact in our business in Italy.

There are tips that everyone can take on to protect their car before restarting:

– If you can, try to drive your car before the first day of major traffic

-For new cars, start the engine, let it run 15-20 min to reach optimal temperature every 10 days. For old cars with little electronics, you can disconnect the battery.

-Do a check-up on your oil and brake fluid levels, lift and clean your wipers and your petrol level and ensure there is no fluid under your car.

-Don’t forget your tyres by checking the pressure and if you can, move the car by 30cm to avoid deforming.

-Inspect the exterior including any corrosive materials.

Despite these measures, we expect to see an increase of assistance demand. In Italy on the first day of unlock, we performed 2.5 times more towing or troubleshooting problems. Overall, towing activities have a similar level to ‘normal day before lockdown’ with a high concentration of the activity in the morning. Drivers are encouraged to call us in advance to organize the assistance once lock-down is over.

We planned this activity peak with our providers and ensure our network was ready. We had a dedicated re-start programme ready in key metropolitan areas and kitted them out in a highly visible uniform. They are able to come onsite and solve problems much faster using scooters. To repair on the spot, they are carrying a basic toolkit, spare batteries, battery tools like boosters and tests & suction cups for opening doors.

Whatever happens, when you can return on the road, you count on us !

‘You live, We care’