Europ Assistance Group whistleblowing helpline

To report any concern or violation of external and internal relevant regulations

Have you experienced inappropriate, fraudulent, unethical or illegal behavior?
Don’t worry: our Europ Assistance Group Code of Conduct forbids any form of retaliation!

You can use this Helpline, operated by Whispli an independent third party, and you may choose to submit your report anonymously.
The information you provide to the Helpline will be sent to the competent Compliance Officer in a format that protects your confidentiality.

Every expression of concern will be investigated. Rest assured that no employee may suffer any retaliation for having reported a concern in good faith.

How it works
Step 1
Complete your report

Once you start your report, you can upload files, save it as a draft to complete later, and submit it whenever you are ready.

Step 2
Chat safely

As soon as your report is submitted, you can start chatting with Generali whether you’ve chosen to do so anonymously or not. You can also download the Whispli app to send messages and receive notifications so you never miss an update.

Step 3
Check your report status

You can later check the status of your report at any time by clicking on “Follow up” on the organization page. The option to continue the dialogue is very important, as further information might possibly be required to solve the report fully.

Message from Andrea Sironi

Chairman of Assicurazioni Generali

Dear Colleagues,

Ethics and Compliance are the foundations of the solid reputation of Generali Group and of the way we want to do business.

The reputation of our Group has been built over more than 190 years on our Values and Behaviors, and it is fundamental for our trusted relationship with all our stakeholders.

Ethics and Compliance must continue to inspire us in our daily behaviors. Behaving according to our Values, our Group Code of Conduct and industry regulations means doing the right things and being open.

This is a daily task for each of us, it is something in which we all must take an active role.

The Group fosters an ethical culture and actively encourages the contribution from all Employees and external stakeholders in order to reinforce and protect the integrity of our work environment.

The whistleblowing process is an essential part of the internal control system aimed at strengthening a positive communication and corporate social responsibility as a Reporter can significantly contribute to self-correctness and excellence within our Group.

This is why we have also reinforced our internal reporting channels, ensuring full protection to people reporting concerns in good faith and entrusting our Compliance Officers as the function in charge of the internal investigations.

The Board, the Top Management and I are committed to ensure the effective implementation of our anti-retaliation policy.

I thank you in advance for all you will be doing as active promoters of our Values and ethics culture and I rely on all of you to keep Generali maintaining and strengthening the trust of all its stakeholders: we want to enable people to shape a safer and more sustainable future by caring for their lives and dreams.

Submit a report by phone

If you are uncomfortable using a computer, or you can’t reach a computer that can access the Internet, you can call the Generali Group Whistleblowing Helpline, which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Telephone Helpline allows any person to report any concern when he/she believes that there is a possible breach of internal or external regulations, as provided by the Generali Group Code of Conduct.

The Helpline is operated by Whispli, an independent third party, and you may choose to submit your report anonymously.

Please find bellow telephone numbers indicated for each country in which telephone line is available. After selecting and calling the right number you will be asked to leave a voicemail detailing your concern. 

Please consider that you will be contacted by the Competent Compliance Officer after the submission of the concern in order to proceed with the investigation.

Argentina: +541152175845
Belgium: +32 2 808 01 05
Brazil: +55 21 2042 2128
Bulgaria: +35924928588
Croatia: +385 800 200 349
Czech Republic: +420 228 880 081
France: +33 9 78 46 65 56
Greece: +30 21 1198 4335
Hungary: +36 1 550 7673
Italy: +390294751936
Luxembourg: +352 20 33 43 18
Netherlands: +31 97010259152
Poland: +48 128810321
Portugal : +351 800180016
Romania: +40 800 630 121
Slovakia: +421 55 230 26 31
Spain: +34 900838236
Switzerland/ Liechtenstein: +41 800 561 424
United Kingdom: +44 115 647 4016
United States: +1 (607) 638 2778

You can be completely anonymous

You can be completely anonymous

Generali will never see your username or email. You are assigned a new randomly generated id and avatar for each report you create

Learn more about anonymity

Your IP address cannot be traced

Your IP address is deleted every single time and never stored in our servers. We also use high-grade AES256 encryption to protect your data

Learn more about safe browsing

Send messages and files safely

Whispli removes any identifying meta data from most file types shared via Whispli

Learn more about meta data