An international Climate Fresk at Wilo!

Environmental issues take center stage at the Travel Conference! At the initiative of the Global Travel Business Line (BL), a global internal conference was organized on April 26 at Saint-Denis. This meeting brought together more than 90 people representing all the functions contributing to the development of this activity. Two hours were devoted to ESG (Environment, Societal, Governance)! …

Perhaps you have already heard about it? The Climate Fresk is a collaborative workshop where participants reflect on the mechanisms of climate deregulation. 

On April 25, 11 travel conference attendees volunteered to experience the Climate Fresk with energy and enthusiasm. Some of their original ideas for reducing the carbon footprint linked to travel: setting up incentive fares according to the duration of the trip to discourage “short journeys” by plane or creating a carbon tracker to measure our carbon footprint from the same way we count our steps. Congratulations to them!

“The Climate Fresk workshop seems to me to be an excellent opportunity to become aware of the consequences of climate change. We had a good time with colleagues and came out of it better informed and aware of challenges. I particularly appreciated the dynamism of the animation. A workshop that I recommend to everyone!”

Dabhia Ouaksel, EA France

The Travel Conference: a morning dedicated to ESG 

4 highlights at the Travel Conference were dedicated to ESG topic:

  • The presentation of our ESG strategy and 2023-2025 priorities, by Florence Jean (ESG Group and France)
  • A focus on the Product Oversight Governance (POG), a tool of excellence in managing our product portfolios for the benefit of the client, by Elodie Papin (Insurance Group)
  • The CSR policy from our client Pierre et Vacances Center Parcs, by their CSR director, Emilie Riess, and
  • 1 hour of awareness and understanding of the climate issues we face, by Virginie Raisson-Victor, French IPPC expert in foresight and geopolitics.

This morning allowed BL Travel managers to consider their missions through ESG topics.

ESG, a lever of opportunities for the planet, our stakeholders and our business!

Any question? Do not hesitate, the ESG department just opened its mailbox : !

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